From the recording Blind Spot

Kathy Sparling – vocals, toy pianoMyles Boisen – guitarLisa Mezzacappa – acoustic bassTim Rowe – drums, percussion


This spring we can’t be silent; we can’t stem the flow of words.Following the flocks in flight, drowning out the real live birds. Our children buzz around the hive to lose another day;I’ll leave them plugged in here and send myself to go outside and play…I know there’s an ebb and there’s a flow.These advances come and so we go:Dismantling the legacies of every passing age.Gripped by mass hysteria, smart mobs engulf the printed page.While old wheels of commerce spin their tales of new community,We’re waltzing through masked balls: quick rise, short falls, in anonymity.Performance all too artful -- now there’s no place left to hide,Only in those neighborhoods where it’s not safe to play outside.If you smash one loom they’ll only build two more.It’s better to be very clear just who the revolution’s for.And now I must fly away home.Our children are on fire, under house arrest, not home alone. Night is closing fast we can’t delay.Soon it will be dark, too dark to go outside and play.