From the recording Blind Spot

Kathy Sparling – vocal, tenor guitarMyles Boisen – electric bass, electric guitarLisa Mezzacappa – acoustic bassTim Rowe – drums


Lightening bugs blaze through the dim purple sky,Shadows gather like whispering friends.These woods smell like madness; the moon’s a far cry. We’ll follow it as the day ends.Now dinners are ready; they’re calling us in -- from each porch step a clarion tone. As bicycles set a course in the wind, we’ll get lost on the walk back home.Oh anyone can set out for a walk, it takes no time at all to pass down the block.Turning home, that’s when your bearings get loose and you question the routeThe turns multiply, and the dusk plays tricks on your eyes…Well it seemed a sure thing, so we stayed in the gameAnd we placed those exuberant betsTill he set down his hand for call of the corner,Some air, oh yes, cigarettes.Now his dinner is ready; I’m calling them in, those wagers that he’d never roam – I’ve watched by this window all night so he must have got lost on the walk back home.Oh anyone can just walk away, it takes no time at all to leave for the day.Turning home, that’s when your bearings get loose and you question the routeThe turns multiply, and the dusk plays tricks on your eyes…Finally I found you my heart’s beaten path,My compass rose bearing true. Out on the hard roads we traded our easeFor the beauty of soles wearing through.Years I’ve spent stacking the markers and painting these woods just to end here alone.You say you’re ready, they’re calling you in: we’re all just lost on the walk back home.Oh anyone could walk as I do, we all start the same, my journey’s not new.